Which handbags suits you best? If you know how and when to carry one on your outing. As we know, handbags have become an essential commodity for women, and they can’t leave home without carrying one. Today, selecting a handbag has become difficult since the market has been flooded with different types. While selecting a handbag, it is essential to match it with your body type.
Oversized and large handbags are best for those who are tall and slim. A small handbag can make the person look even taller. Thus, it is best to select a small one. The handbags that suit tall and thin women best are clutches, oversize handbags, and shoulder bags. For the shorter girls, small handbags suit best. The larger handbags can overpower you, and in the process, they can make you look even shorter. A tight fitting short handbag against your body can make you look taller than you are.
Handbags suit you best if you are blessed with a gorgeous, curvy body, Select a medium sized handbag that hangs just above your waist. It accentuates your waistline and makes your body look all the more flattering. Handbags with short straps and short handbags should be avoided by plus-size women. A larger and wider handbag best suits their style since it makes them look smaller.
Handbags classifications
The handbag itself is classified into various types, like the shoulder bag, the handheld bag, the backpack, tote bag, and the clutch. The shoulder bags, worn over the shoulder, are usually larger in size. These handbags are available in various shapes and sizes. The shoulder bags provide greater space and are stylish at the same time.
The handheld handbags, with straps or handles, are held only in the hand. Used for fashion purposes and for strolling, these handheld handbags are smaller compared to the other handbags. The tote bags are mainly used for casual purposes. With a simple color and one or two compartments, these tote handbags provide a lot of space. They are big bags and fall around the elbow, in the middle of the body.
The backpacks with the two straps, are mainly used by students because they carry books with ease. Since the two straps on the shoulders help balance the weight of the bag equally on both sides. A clutch, unlike a handheld handbag, does not have handles. Usually used in parties and nightclubs, these handbags are small and need to be clutched by the hand.
When choosing the right handbag, it depends completely on your style and personal taste. Always consider where and for what occasion you will be carrying it. Pick the handbag according to your mood, personality, and what you think best suits you.
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