Men’s cardinal rules of wearing a suit is so important. Getting things right when wearing a suit is so crucial and to violate any of these rules are not acceptable. So for any formal occasions, you have in the future, remember this list, and you will be one of the slickest guys anyone can be noticed about in the room.
Learn these Cardinal Rules Of Wearing A Suit
Do not button the bottom button of your suit jacket.
The top button of your shirt should always be buttoned.
Your shirt cuffs should not go over your hands.
Your jacket should fit perfectly.
Your pants should also fit too.
Belt and shoes should match.
Make sure that your shoes complement the color of your suit.
Ensure that your socks cover your legs.
The tie should end at or before your belt.
Waistcoats should also finish at your belt.
Your tie knot should be a fair size.
Your tie must be darker than your shirt.
Make sure you cut the thread on the pockets and vents when you buy it.
If you’re wearing braces, avoid wearing a belt.
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