Owning a proper bag isn’t just to put your valuables, it is a necessary accessory for daily activities too. Men’s bag are usually for securing the items to keep it well-organized whether it’s for work or play. Different sizes, shapes, to different materials, there are a variety of styles to choose from, each with its purpose. Backpack can solve most of our bagging problem but keeping your self manly and fashionable is another thing that backpacks cannot provide you. It’s not enough that you own a backpack and it’s about time to improve your style. Below are the different types of men’s bags that you should own for active fashion lifestyle.
Weekend Bag
It is a perfect bag for business trip or weekend getaway and fashionable enough to carry your clothes and shoes. It’s excellent for stowing neat travel essentials and can be slung over your shoulder to make you look manly. It can be made for leather or canvas and stylish enough to give you a sophisticated looks wherever you go.

Photo from stuartandlau.com
Laptop Bag
Basically, it will secure your laptop and you should not settle with that alone. Laptop bags can be a great choice for your business and casual activities. Keeping it laptop safe at the same time can also serve as an great style your looks depending on your preference. You can choose from backpacks, shoulder bags and even a handheld business bag

Photo from nordstromrack.com
For starters, it doesn’t need to be a designer brand, as long as it is practical and smart, a good one can last a lifetime. Briefcase can carry a laptop which is perfect for school, internship and office use. It can give a professional style look for any ages.

Photo from saddlebackleather.com
Tote Bag
Not only limited for women, Tote bags are spacious enough to stow your stolen hard drive / smelly gym gear. A cheaply cloth tote bag can be folded and put in your jeans pocket and just perfect enough to use for anything you need to carry without using your both hands. Even though there are some designer brands that offers tote bag for men that can provide more classy and stylish look and offer better and secured carrying storage for your things.

Photo from lanecrawford.com
Gym Bag
Whether you’re a spin-class first-timer or a seasoned lifter, this bag will inspire you more to go to the gym. Great thing about a gym bag is the multiple compartments to organize your items that you need to carry for that day. You can separate your laptops from your sweaty clothes and dirty shoes. And the versatile looks of gym bags are stylish enough to serve as a weekend bag and can handle a huge load without worrying that it will break.

Photo from farfetch.com
Messenger Bag
Originally used for postal messenger because it is great for transporting paperwork and the odd lunchbox, and keeps your hands free as you do it. The long strap that can be worn across the body or shoulder. Mainly made from a leather, but today the canvas and plastic variant has been popular due to its contemporary style.

Photo from fossil.com
Cross-body Bag
It’s the most practical everyday bag on this list that can be your on-the-go bag in any occasions. It is small enough to carry and spacious enough to bring your most useful items such as wallet, phone and keys.

Photo from michaelkors.com
Beach Bag
To conclude our men’s bags that you should own, it will stow everything from your beach essentials to a change of clothes and, because beach bags are often large, it will be the first thing people see.

Photo from etsy.com
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